It appears we’ve only blinked and May is already here. As you reflect on the early part of 2023, has your energy been balanced or have you felt a little off-centered? If the latter, it’s quite okay. Sometimes all it takes is to begin incorporating the following steps to increase your vibrational energy for you and those around you.
Deep Breathing

Inhale. Hold for three seconds. Now let it out. You may notice a shift in how you feel already. Deep breathing is a potent tool to alleviate anxiety and make you feel less worried. Simple breathing exercises can make a huge difference if you make it a part of your routine.
Meditation and Yoga

Yoga and mindful meditation are alike in that they both necessitate attention and focus. The goal of both practices is to feel peaceful, boost concentration and ease stress. There are so many free resources available online for those who would like to learn how it’s done and you can begin incorporating them both today to increase good vibes and positivity.
Interacting with Nature

Have you ever noticed how much better you feel after taking a walk? Science tells us parts of what makes walking so stress relieving is the interaction with nature. Simply enjoying a nice breeze, hearing birds chirping and feeling the warm sun rays kissing your skin is a powerful way to emit good energy.
Eating a Good Diet

You are what you eat. So why not eat straight from the source? Begin incorporating more water, fruits and vegetables in your diet and you will immediately notice how much better you feel. Having a healthy diet also boosts productivity and wards off that heavy feeling you have after eating greasy, processed foods.
Developing Healthy Relationships

This tip is multi-fold. Having a good relationship with a higher power through prayer is the first step towards developing healthy relationships. You can also begin thinking more about ways to improve your relationships with your family, friends and work colleagues to boost your vibrations for both yourself and everyone around you.
Practicing Gratitude and Generosity

It’s always a good feeling when you give back – especially when you aren’t expecting anything in return. Make it a habit to incorporate one kind deed into your daily routine. Something as simple as smiling at a stranger, donating to a good cause or volunteering your time with a charity are ways to vibrate good energy for the rest of your days.