April has come and gone and the first half of the year is almost over (we can’t believe it either). Remember, those New Year’s resolutions you made when 2023 began? If you need to refresh your memory, or in need of some motivation to stick to your goals, then keep reading to learn more about how to stick to your goals this year and beyond.
Take it one step at a time.

Are you one of those overachievers who feel like you’re scrambling to accomplish everything at once? If so, now is the time to take a step back and re-access your goals. What is high-priority for you and what can wait? Make a list to determine what is the most pressing goal you’d like to achieve and tackle those first before working on another goal.
Journal your progress.

Science tells us we are more likely to achieve something when we write them down. Make it a habit of writing down your progress as you attempt to achieve each goal. You will soon find that there are things you may need to change, get rid of, or add in order to fulfill your goals. It helps to go to a local bookstore or thrift shop and buy a cute journal with a matching pen. Aesthetics always helps!
Don’t be too hard on yourself.

Whether you didn’t meet that important deadline at work or you gained a couple of pounds rather than the other way around, it’s okay! Take it easy on yourself and practice words of self-affirmation. Trial and error will ultimately lead to success.
Find an accountability partner.

I’m sure there is someone in your circle of close family or friends who you can call on to hold you accountable as you work to achieve your dreams. Request that they set 10-15 minutes for you each week to listen to your progress on your path to success.

There’s no more surefire way to attain your goals than by connecting with a higher source. Make time each day to ask for what you want and need. Set your intention and make this a daily habit. Doing so will not only center you, but it will also keep you motivated when the going gets tough.
Manifest it

Whatever you continually visualize is what will come to fruition. Let’s say your goal is to be more social with the intent to meet your significant other by the end of the year. Begin to visualize what the moment will look like. What will it feel like? Who will be around? What will you be wearing? Continuously visualizing the life you want will make it manifest. And don’t forget to pray about it (see above).
Let it go

There is power in wanting something so bad, but not allowing it to overwhelm you. Once you’ve set your intention for something good to happen, let it go. The Universe knows what you want and will work to make it happen if you simply trust the process. Stop trying to control the narrative and just allow it to come to you as it naturally will.
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